What might happen now all the underrated players are picked. Read it here!
After sunday nights draft, you can check out the VOD here, there were some happy players, some less happy players and some very unhappy players. This is ofcourse the nature of a draft tournament, lets hope the games will be close and fun!
This team has some oldskool CB iDOM power with Mac, Loco from clanbase era powerhouse =oZ= and Devil^Youa with experience in iDOM legends as nswf, RaW and (*). Devil^Youa might be one of the most decorated iDOM players in the whole draft. Add in the drive and fragpower of Jerome and you have a serious dark horse in this group.
Fragpower | |||||
Dom knowledge | |||||
Team versatility |
Ulv opted to pick putze as his main man, after coming second last years cup ulv knows what it takes to reach far in a tournament. Filling his team with Rasta and crazy-n he has found a pretty good balance with a nice spread in knowledge for the solo points (Putze and rasta) and enough power for the 2v2 points. Lets see how crazy-n will perform on iDOM.
Fragpower | |||||
Dom knowledge | |||||
Team versatility |
Last minute captain and new to iDOM Fonzie drafted a mix of players that have iDOM experience (waterkater) or are doing very well in other mods like nwctf or bt. As the iCTF veteran he is himself it will be interesting to see how this team with mainly middle pack players will hold up against some of the powerhouses in the other teams. It will come down to tactics and teamplay for this team.
Fragpower | |||||
Dom knowledge | |||||
Team versatility |
Experienced teamcaptain Lockpick, during clanbase once duped as the crown prince of iDOM, has once again managed to draft a contender worthy team. With himself as a solo point power house that will not loose many 1v1's and some serious potential picks with Xtreme and Ev0lution this team will be very hard to beat on many maps. The gamble point is in picking the lowest rated player Avi, but maybe lockpick can train him to be the surprise of this cup.
Fragpower | |||||
Dom knowledge | |||||
Team versatility |
Cup organizer, Website CSS
Supervisor | k2 |
Admins | Decl, Horror, Waterkater |
1st matchweek | Jan 13th, 2025 |
1st playoff week | Feb 3rd, 2025 |
Current stage |
Active Playoffs Quarterfinals |