
New Permanent Ladders

New Permanent Ladders

After a successful beta period, we are ready to make some changes & launch permanent ladders!

Even though there hasn't been too much activity in the 3 beta ladders we launched last month, it was enough to prove out the concept and confirm that the ladders function as expected.

We also held a poll and had numerous Discord discussions with players to get a glimpse of what ladders the community is interested of. As a result, we're coming out with the following new team ladders:

Additionally, we decided to change the existing w00t ladder into 1v1 iCTF Ladder, allowing you to play other mapsĀ but just w00tabulous in an iCTF duel.

Last but not least, we consolidated Discord channels of similar mods together:

  • 1v1 iCTF and iDuel: #ladders-1v1
  • 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 iCTF: #ladders-ictf
  • 2v2, 4v4 iTDM: #ladders-itdm

Ladders are a great way to play in a team with your friends any time of the year, in- or outside of the cup season. Moreover, you're allowed to play for several teams as long as you follow the rules.

Team ladders may in the future also serve as proof of skill for team cups and best or most active ladder participants might earn an advantage in an upcoming team cup.

As always, we are waiting for feedback and bug reports while we're still in early stages of using the new system.

Create your teams, join the ladders and strive for success!

Posted on October 15th, 2023


Website developer, streamer, league admin

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