
1v1 iCTF Ladder

Joined on 2023-09-11

Rank Rating Played Win Loss Draw MW ML HP NP S
10 925 2 0 2 0 0 4 0 0

Upcoming Matches

Date / Time Opponent Info

Played Matches

Date / Time Opponent Us Them Points Info
28/02/24 14:00 xtreme 1 6 -49
06/11/23 23:30 xtreme 0 3 -26

Ladder information

Quick Overview
Players 19
Active players 10
Matches >30 days 0
Matches total 10
Rank 1 record 376 days
Record holder bung
Admin Team
Supervisor Decl

Ladder Leader

Rank 1 for 376 days
Match stats 1 played
1 won
0 draw
0 loss
Last 30 days 0 matches

Recent Matches

Wednesday, Mar 13
JeRoMe^ vs. xtreme (JeRoMe^ won 9 – 1)
Wednesday, Mar 6
xtreme vs. JeRoMe^ (JeRoMe^ won 12 – 2)
Wednesday, Feb 28
tOxX vs. xtreme (xtreme won 6 – 1)
Saturday, Dec 2
wdn vs. vegitzuuu (wdn won 8 – 1)
Thursday, Nov 16
wdn vs. unbreaK (wdn won 21 – 12)

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